Virginia Cheeseman - Latest News Blog
I regularly post to my news blog when the number of readers hits a certain target and I get the time to do so :) I have been writing my blog for many years now and some of my posts have been read over 3,000 times! Feel free to check back every now and again to see what's happening at
What time is it?
What time is it? The holiday in Costa Rica was brilliant, we saw lots of amazing animals and took a zillion photographs. We got back on Tuesday but I’m still feeling shattered from the 11 hour flight and 6 hour time difference. Georgie did well, looking after all the animals, big and small but I know she found it really tough (2 weeks is a long time). I started sorting out all the bugs as soon as we got home but I think it’s going to be a week or so until I get straight. I had intended to write a nice long blog about my trip but to be honest I just don’t have the time. I managed to send off yesterday, all the UK orders that came in while I was away and I have the ‘rest of Europe’ orders sorted, ready to go on Monday.
Panic! It’s that pre-holiday time when I think “why am I going, is it worth it”? Obviously, I know it will be great in Costa Rica but the next couple of days will be crazy. I’m always organised so today is packing and Saturday/Sunday is feeding, cleaning and sorting out the animals. It has been a busy week, I was extremely pleased to receive a flurry of orders. I don’t know why but the previous couple of weeks were really quiet for orders. Perhaps it was just everything settling down after the school holidays. I certainly feel we are going away at the right time, the weather seems to have changed dramatically towards the end of this week. We had our first frost yesterday and it is pretty chilly in my office this morning (mind you I am up so early that the heating hasn’t come on yet). Although we are well into October now I have been in a quandary as to whether I should use heat packs in my orders or not. Yesterday was a no brainer but before that I was worried about over-heating the bugs in their boxes as the weather had been slightly chilly at night but warm and sunny most of the day. Oh well, it won’t be a dilemma once I get back as it is sure to be cold! I’m sad to be missing Halloween, it is a great time for showing off my bugs but I’m not sorry to miss Bonfire night. I really hate fireworks, horrible scary things - I know that most people think snakes and spiders are horrible scary things
I have a stinking cold!
I have a stinking cold! Everyone around me has been ill for weeks and now I’ve caught the lurgy but I am way too busy to be ill! Thankfully I was fine last weekend and enjoyed the annual AES (Amateur Entomological Society) exhibition. I was extremely sensible and only purchased a few animals, I bought some lovely scorpions, several new species, and as always, I will give it my best shot to get them breeding.
A productive week
A productive week, still not a lot of orders but I feel like I have got lots done. I have a daily tick list (most of you will know by now that I love a list) and this week I have managed to complete that list every day :) This might not sound amazing to you but it is a rare event so I’m feeling quite smug.
What! Where have my customers gone? I know it is the end of the month but I’ve got all these wonderful new animals, I’m rushed off my feet looking after them and have had hardly any orders come in this week L. Perhaps everyone is out enjoying the autumn sunshine? Certainly, the weather here has been lovely this week and I have managed to get out in the garden and do some tidying up before the winter sets in (it must happen eventually). I did hear that there will be months of freezing ice and snow but “la la la, I’m not listening”.
What a hectic week!
What a hectic week! Yes, I did it again, were praying mantis on my shopping list? or Pill millipedes? or any of the other ‘daft’ things that I bought last Sunday at the Bedford bug show. I did get some super new spiders and scorpions but I was supposed to be cutting down on animals before the winter months.
Calm before the storm
Calm before the storm, nothing much to report this week on the bug front. However, I will be attending an exhibition on Sunday, so next week it will be ‘all change’. I have my shopping list and will try to stick to it as the winter is fast approaching and sales slow considerably pre-Christmas. I know people find that odd as most businesses have a huge surge of sales at that time but my surge comes in January when my customers have their Christmas money)
Did you miss me?
Well, I know for a fact that some of you did as I’ve had plenty of messages telling me so and it’s very nice to know that you care J The blog actually takes some time to write and I like to get it checked over by a family member as I would hate to offend anyone, it is quite an undertaking to write it weekly but I will give it my best shot. I still think it is rather self-indulgent and even I think I moan way too much but it certainly gives an insight into my life with the bugs (plus a bit of everything else in my life too) and people seem to like it.
Friday 13th, never a good omen
Friday 13th, never a good omen. I intended to write a ‘proper’ blog this week but as I am going away next week, I have just run out of time. I never run out of things to say but I frequently run out of time to say them J I’ve had a busy week dashing around both for family and also drumming up business for my Ginny’s Jungle animal encounters. I visited a care home this week to discuss taking the bugs along to visit the residents. I’m pleased to say the entertainment’s lady was lovely and really helpful too. She is going to book me shortly (I forgot to take my diary!).