Virginia Cheeseman - Latest News Blog

I regularly post to my news blog when the number of readers hits a certain target and I get the time to do so :)  I have been writing my blog for many years now and some of my posts have been read over 3,000 times! Feel free to check back every now and again to see what's happening at

So much to do, so little time to do it :)

Published: 26/08/2022 Comments 0

Again, this blog is very overdue but I have plans! I have had to concede that Ginny’s Jungle is dead and buried and I need to concentrate on my postal business, which is very much alive! (despite the effects of Covid and leaving the EU). I aim to streamline my business because I absolutely have to make more time and get a better home/work balance. We had a lovely, relaxing holiday to Cyprus in July and it gave me time to stop and think. Our daughter had a nightmare looking after everything, she did a great job but the hot weather was a real challenge in the bug room and it wasn’t fair to her.

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Long overdue for another blog post but life just seems to get busier and busier.

Published: 20/04/2022 Comments 1
Long overdue for another blog post but life just seems to get busier and busier.

It’s the time of year when the bugs are breeding and the garden is growing. I often say that my job is like being a gardener, I spend ages potting up baby bugs and am constantly cleaning boxes, tanks and various equipment. I have lots of little praying mantis and need to feed them fruit flies every couple of days. It is such a time- consuming job when I have to use a pooter to move the flies from a net cage into each little pot. Obviously praying mantis, like most of my spiders and scorpions, have to be housed separately or I will eventually end up with one big fat one! Praying mantis are voracious feeders.

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Infamy, infamy, they’ve all got it in for me!

Published: 28/01/2022 Comments 0
Infamy, infamy, they’ve all got it in for me!

Infamy, infamy, they’ve all got it in for me! For those of you who don’t know the quote, it is from Carry on Cleo and voted the funniest one-line joke in film history. It sums up just how I feel at the moment. I’m limping along, hoping 2022 will be better and I can’t wait for January to be over, it has been a horrible month both personally and from a work point of view. I have had so many people (ok - 3 or 4) having a go at me this month, complaining to PayPal (I have never lost a case, if people read the info on my website or contacted me in advance, they wouldn’t be disappointed with the size or number of anything because it is always as described). Having to cancel an order due to someone being just too demanding to deal with and then so furious that he threatened physical assault on the phone and I’ve even been dealing with a keyboard warrior from the council regarding animal licensing (I have put in an official complaint as the guy is good at sending nasty emails but seems unable to talk on the phone). I’m not good at dealing with bullies. I always do my best and the vast majority of my customers are lovely and appreciate me. I know this because I get lots of emails telling me and lots of super reviews posted on my website.

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I made a start on this blog a couple of weeks ago

Published: 15/11/2021 Comments 0
I made a start on this blog a couple of weeks ago

I made a start on this blog a couple of weeks ago, well, I got as far as writing the date! Life as ever is busy, busy and this blog entry is long overdue. At the recent Brighton Bug show three people approached me and said that they really enjoyed reading my blog, which was very nice to hear. I can see how many views each blog entry has had and it always surprises me that my blog continues to be read in large numbers even years after the entry was written.

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About time I wrote a new blog entry

Published: 06/08/2021 Comments 1
About time I wrote a new blog entry

I thought it was about time I wrote a new blog entry. I’m not sure what I’m going to write, Freedom Day has been and gone and things don’t seem all that different to me. I’ve always loved sci-fi but I never wanted to live it, however for the last 18 months that is what we have all been doing. Every human on the plant seems to have felt the effects of Covid in one way or another.

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Happy Easter everyone - Starting with the positive

Published: 02/04/2021 Comments 0
Happy Easter everyone - Starting with the positive

I have found that in the last year, I am happy to celebrate just about anything. The news on television is full of doom and gloom, so if it’s any sort of celebration count me in. We have all had lockdown birthdays now (some have had 2). Mine in February was really special, I felt most loved with all the cards, flowers, presents and phone calls I received, it wasn’t even a special birthday. I’m delighted that I shall be seeing my son and family this Easter weekend and especially our adorable 18th month old grandson.

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What a year!

Published: 24/10/2020 Comments 0
What a year!

What a year! Who would have thought that the threat of Coronavirus would last this long? It is clearly here to stay for now (perhaps forever?) and continues to cause chaos for us all so it seems a good idea to write a new blog entry. Although I cannot see who is reading my blog, I can see how many people have viewed it and continue to do so, even though I haven’t written anything since the beginning of lockdown in March.

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How are YOU doing?

Published: 26/03/2020 Comments 0
How are YOU doing?

How are YOU doing? It just seems like the right time to write another blog entry. I have the words that REM sang going around and around in my head continually “It’s the end of the world as we

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Bye bye blog!

Published: 30/11/2019 Comments 4
Bye bye blog!

Bye bye blog! After 12 years of writing my regular blog I have finally decided to stop and the last month of the year seems like the right time. I think Facebook has taken over, it is seen by more people and takes far less time than the blog, it is also a lot less personal. I started writing my blog in 2007. It was more or less weekly until earlier this year when I switched to monthly. Over the years I have asked people what they thought of the blog and how often I should write it. I have always received super supportive feedback and the reply “every week” but it takes too much time and energy and has never been truly compatible with my website. I don’t fully understand the workings of my site, my web guy “Super Simon’ has always done his best. The blog is an ‘add on’ and doesn’t support word (I only know how to use word) so every time I come to upload the blog something is missing or part of the text is scrambled or a different font appears or several other problems occur. It also doesn’t support emojis. I love emojis and find it very difficult to write anything these days without using them (text, email, Facebook, I even draw my own on written notes and cards). They convey an emotion so well and so easily. If you look at my Facebook page you will see how much I love them! Facebook is fun, the blog has become a chore. I am sad for the people who are not on Facebook and enjoy reading my blog but you can always call me for a chat!

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Happy Days!

Published: 01/10/2019 Comments 1
Happy Days!

Happy Days! I’m a Nanna at last, I have waited a long time for this to happen. I had my son at 18 and he had his son last week at 42! Of course, he is gorgeous beyond belief and the family are all doing well. I want to be called Nanna but all the family have christened me Nannie bugs!

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Showing 11 to 20 of 443 (45 Pages)