Virginia Cheeseman - Latest News Blog

I regularly post to my news blog when the number of readers hits a certain target and I get the time to do so :)  I have been writing my blog for many years now and some of my posts have been read over 3,000 times! Feel free to check back every now and again to see what's happening at

Sorry no blog this week

Published: 29/06/2018 Comments 0
Sorry no blog this week

Sorry no blog this week, time has run away with me. I was out all day yesterday and I have a Ginny's Jungle event to prepare for today but my blog will return next week. All is going well, lots of bugs and spiders breeding and this beautiful Silkmoth hatched from it's cocoon only last night, just in time to be displayed at the event today!

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Another busy week, has been and gone

Published: 22/06/2018 Comments 0
Another busy week, has been and gone

Another busy week, has been and gone. My hubby gets back from his ten-day motorbike trip today. I’m pleased to report that nothing has gone terribly wrong in his absence, no power cuts, no problems with the internet, no problems with the website. Well, no problems that couldn’t be solved without him anyway. There certainly was a problem with my website last week and nobody told me that it was down until it had been off for several days! I thought it was odd that nobody had placed an order and that nobody had read my blog (I have a number counter on it, I can’t see who has read it but I can see how many people have). Then Friday afternoon I had an email from a regular customer in Finland saying “Is your website going to be functional soon?”. I immediately called my website guy and he realised that the site was switched off. We are both logged in as ‘admin’ so the site was visible to both of us but sadly not visible to anyone else. It took only seconds to rectify the problem.

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Loads to say!

Published: 15/06/2018 Comments 0
Loads to say!

Loads to say! There seems to be plenty going on in my life at the moment, both inside the bug room and outside in my ‘other life’. It’s not fair that none of my family share my enthusiasm, I know loads of couples who both love bugs. Mind you I don’t share my hubby’s interests either! As I write this he is whizzing around the mountains in Spain and Portugal on his motorbike as he does every year with his friends. Sounds like torture to me. My neighbour has organised a charity event for next week in aid of Rennie Grove cancer care. I had volunteered to take my snakes and bugs along and charge everyone £1.00 to hold them but my friend’s husband gently pointed out that most women don’t like snakes and that I might frighten people away. I thought it was a great idea but at least now I can just enjoy the day and perhaps help with the washing up etc.

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No blog this week

Published: 08/06/2018 Comments 0
No blog this week

No blog this week. Sorry but I was at a family funeral yesterday and I’m up in London all day tomorrow and back up to London Sunday evening too. I just have to get the animals sorted out today and there really isn’t enough time to do anything else! My blog will be back next week and hopefully I will have time to write all the things that I was going to say this week and I dare say a few extra bits too. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

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This year is disappearing fast

Published: 31/05/2018 Comments 0
This year is disappearing fast

This year is disappearing fast, I’m sure the years are speeding up as I get older. Perhaps it is just that we don’t seem to have had hardly any sunny days this year. The storms all week have been amazing. The huge claps of thunder and the blue flashes of zig zagging lightening have been more like tropical storms than the weather we generally have in England. The garden is looking good, it does resemble a jungle but I like it that way and so does the wildlife. I am just so grateful to our roofing guy who came to repoint our roof recently and ended up, dare I say it “fixing” my office/bug room roof. It is 15 years this month since we moved to this house, 15 years of flooding in my bug room. Can it really be properly fixed this time? Many people have tried and failed (the roof design is awful). I am so confident that I have dared to stock the shelves with my precious bugs on that side of the room for the first time ever!

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Bugs, bugs everywhere!

Published: 25/05/2018 Comments 2
Bugs, bugs everywhere!

Bugs, bugs everywhere! The BTS (British Tarantula Society) annual exhibition last weekend was great fun, lots to see, lots to buy and lots of people to meet. I went bonkers again and bought a huge number of spiders, scorpions, millipedes, beetles, assassin bugs, caterpillars – yes way too much of everything. All I need to do now is sell some animals to make some room, I have really focussed on getting the new stock housed, fed, labelled, entered onto my stock lists and last but not least the website. If it’s not on the website, it won’t be going anywhere. I found this out the week before last. I was wondering why my beautiful Giant Lime Green stick insects (Diapherodes gigantica) weren’t selling and then found to my annoyance that I had never uploaded them to the site!

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A much better week!

Published: 17/05/2018 Comments 0
A much better week!

A much better week! The sun is shining, the wi-fi is working and all is well with the world (I’m sure I could think of something to moan about if I tried!). I have been concentrating on getting the bug room clean and cleared this week as I know that next week will be manic. I will be buying in a great deal of new stock this weekend and will therefore have little time for my usual weekly tasks.

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Unbelievable week

Published: 10/05/2018 Comments 1
Unbelievable week

Unbelievable week, to quote from that excellent show ‘The Good Place’, what the fork! I took no orders at all over the bank holiday weekend. I know people were out in the sunshine but after such an amazing April, to have no orders come in was truly weird and proves my point that I could never employ anyone to help me because at times there is plenty of work looking after the animals and money going out but zero money coming in.

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Crazy April

Published: 04/05/2018 Comments 0
Crazy April

Crazy April, what a busy month that was. Perhaps everyone wanted to buy new pets because the weather was such rubbish? We had a couple of sunny days but it was mostly cold and wet here. I still used a few heat packs in my orders this week, absolutely crazy and unheard of at this time of year. The website review competition was drawn this month by my able assistant (mother in-law and not all that able). The winner was Joanne, who wrote a very nice review on her Mexican Red Rump tarantula.

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Feeling guilty but just too busy

Published: 20/04/2018 Comments 0
Feeling guilty but just too busy

Feeling guilty but just too busy to write my blog this week. With so much work to do on my website, I just can't justify the time it takes me to sit and write the blog. That doesn't mean I am lounging in the garden, out in the sunshine (I wish). I have set aside today to knuckle down and catch up on paperwork. I've spent a lot of time getting all my new animals housed and fed over the last couple of weeks and now I need to tackle the pile of paperwork that has yet again piled up on my desk. I really have to look at all the GDPR information that I have and 'try' and work out how it relates to me and what I need to do. It is something to do with privacy and storing data and I could be sued if I don't do it, is all I know at the moment! It's great to see sunshine this week (even if it is only through my office window). The bramble is once again growing and I haven't had to use any heat packs in my parcels for the last few days. Anyway, as I said I haven't got time for this

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Showing 51 to 60 of 443 (45 Pages)