Virginia Cheeseman - Latest News Blog

I regularly post to my news blog when the number of readers hits a certain target and I get the time to do so :)  I have been writing my blog for many years now and some of my posts have been read over 3,000 times! Feel free to check back every now and again to see what's happening at

First Day Of Spring

Published: 20/03/2009 Comments 0

First day of spring tomorrow and it has certainly been a beautiful week here. I was out in the garden in a t-shirt yesterday. The bramble is beginning to grow again and I hope it is a sign of things to

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Friday 13th

Published: 13/03/2009 Comments 0

Oh I don't like Friday 13th! However I am very happy with everything this week (I know, that makes a change). I can't believe the difference in business since last week. I have been inundated with orders

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Credit Crunch

Published: 06/03/2009 Comments 0

Oh dear what on earth has happened this week, is this the credit crunch? I have never had so many 'non orders'. I have a pile of email orders on my desk that have just not been paid for! Most are from

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Memories Of Mauritius

Published: 27/02/2009 Comments 0

I'm getting back into the swing of things after my holiday in the sun. The tan is fading but I've got lots of photos to help me remember (see below). I have emailed the Mauritius animal welfare organisation

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Back From Paradise

Published: 20/02/2009 Comments 0

I'm back from paradise, missed the snow but we did have plenty of rain. We had a lovely relaxing time in Mauritius, the hotel was amazing and the food was delicious. I wouldn't go again in cyclone season

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Birthday Card Photo Shoot

Published: 23/01/2009 Comments 0

Only one week until my holiday, I'm escaping to the sun and hope to see lots of exotic creepy crawlies. I've been very busy in my bug house, I have cleaned so many boxes and tanks this week that my hands

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Post Office Fire

Published: 16/01/2009 Comments 0

The last week has shot by and it's only two weeks until my holiday. I have had a busy week with lots of bugs coming in and going out. Unfortunately it turned out that my Post Office had an electrical

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Happy New Year

Published: 11/01/2009 Comments 0

Happy New Year Everybody! Sorry that the blog is a couple of days late, as you can imagine after two weeks off, things are very busy. I'm not sure why but after Christmas is always a very busy time. I

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Merry Christmas

Published: 19/12/2008 Comments 0

Feeling a lot better, I'm on the mend from my flu but I'm still not great and I have never been so behind with my Christmas preparations. My hubby says he has never seen me so ill in all our 31 years

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Good News

Published: 12/12/2008 Comments 0

What shall I start with this week? Good news, I have managed to breed the Ethiopian crickets that I purchased as nymphs back in September. They are reasonably similar to black field crickets but they

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Showing 421 to 430 of 443 (45 Pages)