Virginia Cheeseman - Latest News Blog

I regularly post to my news blog when the number of readers hits a certain target and I get the time to do so :)  I have been writing my blog for many years now and some of my posts have been read over 3,000 times! Feel free to check back every now and again to see what's happening at

A tough week emotionally!

Published: 12/02/2010 Comments 0

A tough week emotionally! I have never had so many orders to deal with and the extra work has bought with it many problems. I have had several parcels delayed (I despair of Royal Mail), I had my first

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Spring is approaching

Published: 05/02/2010 Comments 0

Spring is approaching. I can finally say that it is spring next month! The weather has been considerably warmer these last couple of days, which is good as I have had a lot of new live stock this week

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The recession is over

Published: 29/01/2010 Comments 0

The recession is over, so they say. Certainly I have never had so many orders. I think now that Christmas is gone and the snow has disappeared, everyone is thinking of spring. I can't wait until it is

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Melt down Wednesday!

Published: 22/01/2010 Comments 0

Melt down Wednesday! On Wednesday this week I had really had enough and decided that a menial job where someone else takes all the responsibilities was a great idea for me. Since then I have calmed down

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What a week, snow, snow and more snow

Published: 15/01/2010 Comments 0

What a week, snow, snow and more snow. I hate snow, it may be pretty but it is way too cold! Just like ice cream, it would be lovely if it wasn't so cold. Thankfully the snow seems to be disappearing,

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Happy New Year - almost

Published: 08/01/2010 Comments 0

Happy New Year - almost. I cannot believe this weather! We have thick snow again and everything has ground to a halt. It is difficult to get around here and it is clearly too much trouble for Royal Mail

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Last blog entry before Christmas

Published: 18/12/2009 Comments 0

Last blog entry before Christmas, this time next week it will be Christmas Day and I hope Santa brings you everything that you are wishing for! (I just need a bit of peace and relaxation). Tuesday will

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So much to say, where shall I start?

Published: 11/12/2009 Comments 0

So much to say, where shall I start? Many thanks to those people who sent such lovely emails in response me being upset last week. I won't listen to moaners anymore, I feel loved indeed after the letters

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A mixed sort of a week

Published: 04/12/2009 Comments 0

A mixed sort of a week. I was most upset to get an email from a guy, in which he had cut and pasted the thread from a forum where people were moaning about me getting spider names wrong. That wasn't too

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Christmas is less than a month away

Published: 27/11/2009 Comments 0

Christmas is less than a month away and I have so much to do before then. We erected the new shelving in my bug house on Tuesday. It was a difficult and long job as everything had to be moved off the

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Showing 381 to 390 of 443 (45 Pages)