Virginia Cheeseman - Latest News Blog

I regularly post to my news blog when the number of readers hits a certain target and I get the time to do so :)  I have been writing my blog for many years now and some of my posts have been read over 3,000 times! Feel free to check back every now and again to see what's happening at

I'm a bit distracted today

Published: 30/04/2010 Comments 0

I'm a bit distracted today. I have just returned from the hospital, where my mother in-law is undergoing a hip replacement operation as I write. I waited with her until she went into theatre, it was rather

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Lots of sunshine, I could get used to this!

Published: 23/04/2010 Comments 0

Lots of sunshine, I could get used to this! Sorry if the weather where you are hasn't been quite so good but High Wycombe has been basking in sunshine all week. I'm not missing the usual April showers

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Where to start? Too busy for words, goodness, I haven't stoppe

Published: 15/04/2010 Comments 0

Where to start? Too busy for words, goodness, I haven't stopped this week! I went to the health spa last Friday / Saturday which was very nice but not quite as relaxing as it might have been. On Sunday

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The sun is shining at last

Published: 08/04/2010 Comments 0

The sun is shining at last and for the first time this year I didn't feel the need to use any heat packs when sending out orders this morning. It has been really pleasant here, in fact the bug house was

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A very unwelcome bug

Published: 02/04/2010 Comments 0

A very unwelcome bug laid me low last week, I was unable to write my blog and unable to move much at all for a couple of days. I'm assuming I had the norovirus, several newspapers have mentioned how prevalent

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A pleasant week, warm at last

Published: 19/03/2010 Comments 0

A pleasant week, warm at last and in only two days it will officially be Spring. The bugs are all going well and many are breeding prolifically, especially the stick insects, but there is still no bramble

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Oh the joys of being self employed

Published: 12/03/2010 Comments 0

Oh the joys of being self employed. I have been rushed off my feet for weeks and then suddenly I have had hardly any orders at all this week. I have no idea why? It is most odd but I can't say I am too

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Well at least it's March now and the sun is shining

Published: 05/03/2010 Comments 0

Well at least it's March now and the sun is shining but it doesn't feel like Spring yet with all the frost in the mornings. The pond outside my office window still has a thin layer of ice on it and where

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A much better week all round

Published: 26/02/2010 Comments 0

A much better week all round. The weather has improved throughout the week and there have been no problems with the post. We did have snow again on Monday though. I couldn't believe it, one minute it

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Business is booming but it's still only me!

Published: 19/02/2010 Comments 0

Business is booming but it's still only me! I am really pleased that the website, launched only last September, has been such a success. Orders are pouring in but at times it is very difficult to keep

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Showing 371 to 380 of 443 (45 Pages)