Virginia Cheeseman - Latest News Blog

I regularly post to my news blog when the number of readers hits a certain target and I get the time to do so :)  I have been writing my blog for many years now and some of my posts have been read over 3,000 times! Feel free to check back every now and again to see what's happening at

Where have all my customers gone?

Published: 09/07/2010 Comments 0

Where have all my customers gone? I know the schools and universities are breaking up and people are going off on holiday but I still have 6 weeks until my holiday and I need to shift some bugs! It has

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Another week of sunshine, oh I love this weather

Published: 02/07/2010 Comments 0

Another week of sunshine, oh I love this weather. I just hope it lasts for tomorrow when my nephew is getting married. It's been a busy week, part work and part pleasure. I can really start planning for

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A lovely sunny week

Published: 25/06/2010 Comments 0

A lovely sunny week, England got through to the next round and I'm off for a spa day today (my nephew's fiancee's hen day), so all is well in my world. The bugs are happy too, everything seems to be growing

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Putting the plan into action is going well

Published: 18/06/2010 Comments 0

Putting the plan into action is going well. I haven't bought anything new this week and it has freed up time to sort out some of the stock that I already have. The bug house is overflowing, especially

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I have a plan

Published: 11/06/2010 Comments 0

I have a plan, the plan is to stop buying all these bugs and get on with selling them! I have seriously gone a bit mad lately and I am now spending hours every day just caring for my 'mini zoo'. I am

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I encountered an unwanted arachnid this week

Published: 04/06/2010 Comments 0

I encountered an unwanted arachnid this week, a tick, attached to my hip - yuk. I had been to Richmond park (looking for Stag beetles but I think it was a bit too early) and I know they are rife there

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Must be quick this morning

Published: 28/05/2010 Comments 0

This week has been very busy, so much new stock has arrived that I have been flat out housing and feeding it all. I was very pleased indeed to find a buyer for most of my larger stick insects. They went

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Lots of new spiders have arrived this week

Published: 21/05/2010 Comments 0

Lots of new spiders have arrived this week but I have unfortunately received very few orders. The bug house is bursting at the seams and I have another lot of spiders coming in again today. My life is

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This amazing website has transformed the way I work

Published: 14/05/2010 Comments 0

This amazing website has transformed the way I work. The website went live at the end of last September and I have never been so busy in my life. It is so much easier for customers to order online and

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Where did this week go?

Published: 07/05/2010 Comments 0

Where did this week go? I cannot believe that it is Friday again. I have been very busy taking care of my mother in-law after her hip replacement operation. She is out of hospital and back in her own

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Showing 361 to 370 of 443 (45 Pages)