Happy New Year!

Published: 02/01/2015 Comments: 0

Happy New Year! Have you had enough of hearing that already? I had a very nice Christmas and New Years Eve. It was pretty hectic with all the family get-togethers but lovely to see everyone, especially the kids (and there are a lot of kids in my family, I have shares in my sister's ten grandchildren aged 1-11 years). We all went along to the pantomime in Windsor on New Year's Eve, it was great, I love pantos.

My hubby got me a new camera for Christmas (purple of course, my favourite colour) and a wireless printer, scanner, copier thingy. He promises that he will teach me how to use it so that I can finally do something with all the photos that I love to take. I am still working on improving my website but I would also like to improve my chances of winning more competitions. I have the raw materials for entering photo comps (furry animals, scary animals, cute kids), I just need to work the technology now! I must get my Facebook page sorted very soon, I could certainly put photos on there.

My presents were very much fitness based to my family. Hubby and daughter got fitness bands and are thoroughly enjoying seeing who has taken the most steps, eaten the correct amount and even got the best sleep each day. I don't have a New Year's resolution but I would like everyone in my household to join me in the gym and stop eating so much! (I know I am a fitness freak, everyone moans at me for being such a bore). If I did have a resolution it would probably be "work less and earn more" but isn't that every year?

Throughout the chaos the bugs have not been neglected (they have had plenty of sprouts, carrots and fruit that people have discarded in favour of sweets). They are doing very nicely, I worked hard during 2014 to try and breed more scorpions and I'm really pleased to say that I now have Shiny Burrowing babies (I have never bred these before)and just yesterday discovered that one of my Tail-less Whip scorpions has babies on her back. Had a bit of a problem with the Madagascar Fishing spiderlings, I thought they may have eaten each other but then realised they had actually escaped into my bug room!

The bugs did come in very useful when we had neighbours round for drinks before Christmas. I thought the evening needed a bit more sparkle so I got some of my little friends out, the snakes went down pretty well but my huge Australian Rhinoceros cockroach 'Brutus' was not quite so well received. Now that Christmas is over I am looking forward to the Spring and better weather (must remember to count up how many days it is until Spring begins). Must get on now, New Year but same old jobs to do.....


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