Due to popular demand

Due to popular demand

Published: 29/07/2016 Comments: 0

Due to popular demand I am writing a blog this week (even though I did say I wouldn't in the school holidays). I have been really busy setting up Ginny's Jungle bug parties but my regular bug business is also going well, which is nice. I haven't yet had a bug party booked but the website is up and running, the Facebook page is there and I am picking up 500 leaflets later today. I have been interviewed for one local magazine and I have another in the pipeline so everything is on track for the party business to be up and running for the Autumn and hopefully it will keep me going throughout the colder months without having to rely entirely on the postal business.

I have really cut back on buying in new bugs but I am breeding lots, which is great. I had a couple of guys visit this week from Iceland! They placed a huge order and cleared me out of quite a few species but as planned I will be back to purchasing plenty of new stock when the schools reopen. It is great to have a bit more time and certainly shows me that I couldn't keep going the way I was. I was running myself into the ground and driving my family nuts. I had to revise my bug business or give it all up. I would hate to give it up after so many years (and nine years away from getting a pension). I would love to think that I could do a couple of parties a week and run a ‘captive bred’ only bug business, I would call it “Bespoke Bugs” but that may be a dream. I am certainly a dreamer, always full of ideas, most of which never get off the ground. Speaking of which – my planned arachnid evening didn’t go ahead. I only had one person show an interest. It was a shame but not really unexpected. Transport links in this area are not good, I’ve said it many times before, it’s nothing like when I lived in London.

Facebook continues to torment me, I do try but it doesn’t come naturally. I now have three separate Facebook pages, my private one (that seems to have a lot of bug people on it!), my Virginia Cheeseman work one and now Ginny’s Jungle. PLEASE can I ask everyone to like Ginny’s Jungle on Facebook, it doesn’t matter who you are, where you are or if you do or don’t have children. I really need more likes. I know it is pretty rubbish at the moment but it will get better I promise, my daughter says that I need to say what I do more clearly so hopefully we can get that sorted and looking better this weekend (I need to pin her down to help me, I usually refuse to do her ironing when I want help with something). My Virginia Cheeseman Facebook page is doing well, I now have 1,364 likes as opposed to Ginny’s Jungle with 18 (HELP!). I recently asked if people had seen any Stag beetles this year and I got a fairly good response but I seriously think these beautiful beetles have been affected by the weather. I haven’t seen a single one, not even a Lesser Stag beetle and they are usually common around here as we live next to a wood.

The arachnid evening may have been a flop but I have had a surprising number of visitors over the last couple of months. It’s really good to see people, another thing that will be fun about doing parties. I love, animals, talking and kids! I recently went to visit a guy who sometimes supplies me with stick insects. It was super to see his animal room, he has bred some amazing little poison dart frogs of all different colours. His animals were beautifully kept, as was his tropically themed garden. It is good to see how other people do things, there is always something new to learn with living creatures. I took my mother in-law along to visit a garden centre last Sunday. Little did she know that they were running a bug exhibition for the weekend. I took away some really good ideas that I’m sure I can use and the couple running the exhibition are lovely people who were happy to give me some tips and let me snap some photos on my iPhone. I think my iPhone is my favourite possession, I wouldn’t fight a mugger for my handbag (it’s generally full of rubbish) but I would never give up my phone! I even started this blog on my phone when I was waiting for my friend at a café yesterday.

Yes, having a little extra time is great. Last Friday I dragged my husband along on a bat and Glow-worms walk. It was a lovely evening, we ended up walking for over two hours and saw plenty of bats and Glow-worms. They are amazing little creatures, like LEDs in the undergrowth. We are off to a wedding tomorrow so I hope the weather cheers up a bit!


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