A week since the last blog
A week since the last blog, I can’t believe it, seems like yesterday! But I’m going to try to write an entry every Friday in 2018. It actually takes quite some time but I know that a lot of people enjoy reading it and when asked, everyone who got back to me wanted the blog to be weekly, rather than bi-weekly or monthly. I’m not sure whether to put the blog on my Facebook page? It seems rather self-indulgent to me but it would be so much easier for people to comment and join in on any relevant topics, it is nice to get feedback. I often ask questions but rarely get answers. It was great last week when Graham replied to the blog and identified the super snake that I saw in Costa Rica. It was a Black-banded Cat-eyed Snake (Leptodeira nigrofasciata), endangered evidently, so a good find.
I can’t say I have been inundated with orders this week but there has been a steady trickle and I’m sure things will pick up soon. I have started a “Featured Tarantulas” page on my site. I thought it was a really good idea but although I have received lots of comments and likes on Facebook, I haven’t yet sold one.L Perhaps it is my photography letting the page down because the spiders are gorgeous (if you like spiders). I’m going to stick with it for a bit because I have some lovely spiders that just don’t get seen. This gallery shows a photo of the actual spider you would be buying. They are all photographed on the same piece of wood, with a 5p coin to show the size and they are all reduced in price!
I have been very busy since Christmas, looking at new bugs to stock, promoting my Ginny’s Jungle parties and ‘hopefully’ improving my website. I have changed the terms page regarding the live guarantee on animals. The terms have always said that I will refund any DOA animals with a credit note to use on further purchases but I feel this is rather unfair and to be honest I very rarely have anything damaged or dead in transit so it now states that I will issue a refund. It is much simpler these days as people can just send a photograph by email if there is a problem (in reality I have generally refunded in cash but now the terms make that clear). I have also tweaked the ‘Visitor notes” on the purple information bar (at top of the website pages) and reinstated the payment option of direct bank transfer for customers outside the UK).
I will be receiving some beautiful, captive bred Giant Leaf insects this weekend and they come with a bonus as the guy who bred them also went to Costa Rica on holiday last year. I’ve got the photo book out ready and waiting. J In fact it was Chris who recommended Mawamba Lodge in Tortuguero, which is now my favourite place in the world! (I have also managed to write most of my Trip Advisor reports this week).
It is only a couple of weeks now until the S.E.A.S (South East Arachnid Show) in Kent. I always enjoy this show, the guys who organise it are really friendly, the venue is great and because it is so close to the Eurotunnel there is always something different to see, as many European suppliers have tables there, and being the week before my birthday, we are staying overnight and making the most of the spa facilities within the hotel. Although I won’t be taking any bugs with me, I’m sure I will be bringing plenty home! It is great to catch up with everyone at this first bug show of the year and hopefully Graham will remember to bring along his book on Costa Rican snakes. Sounds like a brilliant birthday present for me (I’m sure my best friend Amazon will stock it). My hubby bought me for Christmas, the book on animals of Cyprus that was published last year “Wildlife of Cyprus”. It is really comprehensive, with excellent photography but it is very thick and will take some reading. I finally read the book that I bought from Amazon months ago about millipedes. It is a fantastic book, full of care information on most of the available pet millipedes. I would like to sell it on my site, if it wasn’t so heavy to post. I think a lot of my millipede customers would gain invaluable information from this book, I certainly have.
Talking of time as we were at the beginning of the blog, I have just counted and there are 67 days until Spring. I would really like an advent calendar each year that counts down the days from Christmas to the first day of Spring. I love chocolate and I love Spring. Perhaps I’m onto a winner here (I might make myself one next year) J
This week’s photo: Front cover of the excellent book on millipedes as mentioned above. It details the care, habitat and distribution of many pet species. Most millipede books that I have come across are aimed at children but this one is for adults. It has a practical approach rather than being just an academic read. (I read it on the plane flying home from Costa Rica and it is now sitting on my desk full of post-it notes to look at later J)